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Low Carb, Sous Vide, Complete and Balanced.


Our Surf n Turf Beef & Salmon Dog food is one of - if not the only nutritionally complete dog food that doesn't rely on man-made supplements to provide all the required nutrients, in a good balance.


From Minerals to Vitamins, Zinc, E, D3, etc our food has got it all.


While Raw is the "big thing" in dog food, not all dogs or owners can stomach raw feeding. 

That's why we use the Sous Vide method.
Cooking via sous vide means using low temperatures to retain maximum nutrition while killing off nasty bacteria and parasites.


Feeding Guide:

Below you'll find a chart that helps identify how much you can feed your dog based on their weight. 

This is only a guide and amounts will vary depending on activity level and breed. 


Monitor your dog's weight and energy levels over the first few weeks and you can adjust amounts fed up or down accordingly - we highly recommend talking to your vet if you have any concerns about how much to feed.


Introduce new foods slowly to minimise the potential for stomach upset. We recommend swapping out a quarter of their current diet with the new food each meal for the first four days, then half and half for another four days, then finally doing three-quarters of the new food and one-quarter of their old food for the final four days. 



Beef, Free Range Whole Eggs, Salmon, Beef Liver, Chicken Liver, Sardines, Hemp Seed, Broccoli, Blueberries, Sunflower Seeds, Cold Pressed Safflower Oil, Ginger, Eggshell Powder, Kelp Powder.







Surf n Turf Dog Food

SKU: 1111
1 Kilogram
Excluding GST |

    Nutrition Chart

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